Welcome to new.stenoweb.net. Things are under construction right now.
My name is Cory, he/him. I've been on the Internet for a while. I am a chronic illness leftist millennial doing tech support in higher education.
I'm on Twitter as @Cory5412 and on TacoBellLabs.net as @Cory5412. You can check out pictures I've posted in the Pictures section of this site.
I write on here about my life, my observations about technology, among other things.
I also help run a vintage Mac forum.
I run a Windows Server computer with virtual machines as a hobby, for learning and for learning. This is the public-facing web site on a SharePoint server I run called maron.
For the moment, you can refer to the page about TECT here: http://fd.stenoweb.net/SitePages/TECT.aspx
I'm going to start using pages to work on major projects. If something gets big enough, it may be promoted to its own subsite.